BIM is not a Smart Building

If you’ve been in a meeting or sat through a panel about building technology lately, you’ve probably heard someone mix Building Information Modelling (BIM) with smart buildings. For those not conversant with the nuances, it’s an easy mistake to make. Both terms are steeped in digital innovation, both involve data, and—let’s be honest—are a bit […]

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Feeling Sore for Starting in Stage 4

We’ve all seen it happen. Someone had a great idea, but it was a bit last minute. Usually, by the time a scheme gets to RIBA Stage 4 (detailed design), the property developer is focused on what they can do to create the most differentiation in the market. Understandable. We all want to add what […]

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The RIBA Plan of Doesn’t Work

The author critiques the RIBA Plan of Work for not effectively integrating smart building design. He advocates for early involvement of designers, agile project management, and procurement processes to match market capabilities. The columnist anticipates changes under the new RIBA President Muyiwa Oki and invites readers to join a taskforce for standard PoW overlay.

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